Just a day after Universal announced Alex Kurtzman would be directing the reboot of The Mummy they promptly turned around and delayed it to June 24, 2016. Taking its place will The Huntsman, the spin-off from the 2012 fairy tale Snow White and the Huntsman.
Universal recently made it known that they had basically fired Kristen Stewart from the franchise after her affair with director Rupert Sanders and were intending on continuing the story primarily with Chris Hemsworth's character, the Huntsman. It seems they weren't kidding as the spin-off now has a release date of April 22, 2016. The film already has Frank Darabont attached to direct and Chris Hemsworth will be returning to reprise the role and, oddly enough, Charlize Theron will also return.
Seeing how bad Snow White and the Huntsman was I don't have much interest in this one. Chris Hemsworth is nice to look at and all but even he couldn't save that movie. The only draw is Charlie Theron's return. She was the only good part about that movie.
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The past seven days
Did you know that a single Academy Award statuette weighs 8.5lbs and costs over $800 to make? I never would have guessed.
This makes me even more excited for the road show in May.
The wait is over as we now have official word that Charlie Hunnam has secured the role of Christian Grey, the adopted young billionaire in F...
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