Nia Vardalos and Playtone are reuniting for a sequel to the successful 2002 comedy, My Big Fat Greek Wedding. The film told the story of a first-generation Greek American woman who dared to date and fall in love with a non-Greek man. The film also starred John Corbett and is one of the most successful independent films to date.
Corbett and Vardalos will be reprising their roles of Ian and Toula. Producers Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, and Gary Goetzman along with Vardalos. The film was picked up after Vardalos spent years performing in a one-woman play about growing up in a Greek family and how she married a non-Greek.
Vardalos rode the Greek Wedding train for quite a while after the film was released. It spawned an Oscar nomination for Best Original Screenplay as well as a television sitcom, My Big Fat Greek Life. She is currently doing press for her best-selling book, Instant Mom.
Apparently this sequel will involve the reveal of a new family wedding that will bring the Greek family back together.
I personally love My Big Fat Greek Wedding. It is by far one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. With that said, I don't see how they can make a sequel without really beating a dead horse. The sitcom was bad and it's been over 10-years since the movie was released. Just more proof that Hollywood can't come up with anything new.
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