Omar Sy (The Intouchables) has joined the cast of X-Men in an unspecified role. Rumors are already circulating, of course, about which role Sy has been cast in. Some suggest he will play Bishop, the son of Aborigine mutant refugees with a distinctive "M" brand on their foreheads. Bishop also was present in the Days of Future Past comic arc and was intertwined with Storm. Since Halle Berry has pretty much been mentioned as returning as Storm it is plausible that Bishop will be a part of the movie.
The French born actor has a pretty extensive resume but a majority of his work is in French film and television. I haven't ever seen or heard of him before, so it's always nice to have a fresh face.
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The past seven days
Did you know that a single Academy Award statuette weighs 8.5lbs and costs over $800 to make? I never would have guessed.
This makes me even more excited for the road show in May.
The wait is over as we now have official word that Charlie Hunnam has secured the role of Christian Grey, the adopted young billionaire in F...
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