After taking an extended hiatus after the sudden death of Paul Walker, Universal announced their intent to pick production back up on Fast & Furious 7 in April. There is an estimated 6-8 weeks left of filming and the hiatus, so far, has lasted almost three months. Production will pick up in Atlanta which is where it was scheduled to go after Thanksgiving.
They also announced their intent to use the footage of Walker that had been filmed prior to his death in a tasteful way to "retire" his character, not kill him off. Fast & Furious 7 is being directed by horror director James Wan and received a new release date of April 10, 2015. It was originally set for release this July.
Movie news, movie reviews, and basically whatever else I want to talk about. Come on in and join the party.
The past seven days
Did you know that a single Academy Award statuette weighs 8.5lbs and costs over $800 to make? I never would have guessed.
This makes me even more excited for the road show in May.
The wait is over as we now have official word that Charlie Hunnam has secured the role of Christian Grey, the adopted young billionaire in F...
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