So that is officially gone. Now if you are a homosexual man or woman in the US military you can no longer be kicked out for being gay and they can't ask you to prevent you from enlisting.
I personally don't care. What I mean by that is, who really cares if gays are serving in our military? Sure there are going to be those out to make a statement and be as flamboyant as they can be just because they can, but that isn't all of them. I don't even think that's close to all of them. DADT did have its positives (admit it) but it did also have negatives. Positives being people shut up about it. What gay people fail to realize is most others don't give a rat's ass if they are gay. I don't. If someone tells me they are gay I say "oh ok" and move on about my business. Homosexuals are the ones who make it a big deal, imo, and they fail to realize it. They just blame the so-called "fear" on straight people being "homophobic" which is a fucking crock of shit.
But enough about that... what sparked this is that Airman that is all over the internet now. He has been making videos basically counting down the repeal of DADT during his deployment overseas. Today was the big day so he felt the need to record himself calling his dad to tell him he's gay. Retarded? Why, yes it is.
I'm happy he finally found the time to tell his family and whatnot, but really? How are you going to post such a private, personal conversation on the internet obviously hoping for his dad to freak out. It was almost like "I haven't slept all night and I want to call my dad, omg he's going to disown me and I wanted it on tape so I can put it on YouTube to show people do really hate gays." Good way to become an internet sensation if you ask me. I saw the link to his video on Yahoo and MSN alongside that one Naval officer who married his partner at midnight in Vermont.
Like I said, I don't care if gays are in the military. To me a good soldier is a good soldier; man, woman, gay, or straight. If they can do their job and do it well then who cares who they sleep with at night. I have a feeling there will be those who will try and be radical activists for the cause but at the same time I don't think the military will stand for that. Just because they can't kick you out doesn't mean they can't take other measures. Who knows, a lot of people might be scrubbing toilets if they aren't too careful. With victory comes cockiness. I hope everyone remembers that.
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