I had a blog under my old email. Seeing that I created a Gmail it was giving me a tough time about signing into it. Whenever I would log out to use the other email it would kick me out of both Gmail and YouTube. I said screw it and just created a new blog under the new email.
I'll still keep the other one open but this is the one I will start using full time if I can ever get back into the swing of doing it more often.
Movie news, movie reviews, and basically whatever else I want to talk about. Come on in and join the party.
The past seven days
Fifty Shades of Grey follows a young college student named Anastasia Steele as she enters an unknown world of sexual and emotional discover...
Did you know that 29 of the film releases slated for 2013 are either a sequel or a prequel to a previous film? Believe it because it's c...
The wait is over as we now have official word that Charlie Hunnam has secured the role of Christian Grey, the adopted young billionaire in F...
We got our first poster for the third chapter in the Insidious trilogy and also learned that the first teaser for the film will hit the int...
you made a new one and i was waiting so long for new updates on the old blog, but good that i found it now ;) wish you a great beginning, of course i'm following this blog now too x)
Yeah, I figured if I went to your blog and followed with the new account that you would catch on. :)